To perform a search in re:Search, you'll first need to log in into the website. At the Dashboard enter in a case number, party, attorney, or judge in the Quick Search box and click on the magnify glass icon.
This will bring you to another page where you can set the parameters of your search. You can select to search by cases or individual filings. You can also filter further with the options provided under that selection.
With, or without, your parameters set, you can enter your search term in the bar to top of the page. Click the magnifying glass to the right, or press 'Enter' on your keyboard, to perform that search.
Your search results will display below the search. You can apply more filters at that point to narrow your search down.
Click the blue case title in the search results to open that information.
If no results appear or you don't have the expected results, check your state's access for further information. State specific articles below: