In re:Search, you can search for cases and hearings using the following advanced search options.
Attorney Name
You can search for cases involving specific attorneys by searching for that attorney by name. Simply enter the First Name and/or Last Name of the attorney and click the blue Search button.
Attorney Number
You can search for cases involving specific attorneys by searching for that attorney by their Attorney Number.
Business Name
You can search for cases involving specific businesses or agencies by searching by Business or Agency Name.
Case Category
To search for cases by Case Category, click the blue Select button...
...then click the checkbox beside one or more of the categories listed on the left side of the window that appears. You can search for specific Case Categories using the Search function, or you can see more categories by clicking the "Previous 10" or "Next 10" buttons. You can deselect categories on the right side by clicking the blue checkboxes. Click the blue Done button once you are finished.
Once you have selected your Case Categories, they should appear to the right of the blue Select button.
Case Description
You can search for cases by their specific Case Descriptions. Enter the Case Description in the appropriate input field, then click Search.
Case Filed Date
You can search for cases by Case Filed Date by selecting a range of dates to search by.
Case Judge
You can search for cases being overseen by a specific judge or judges. Click the blue Select button to select a judge or judges...
...then click the checkboxes on the left to select your judge or judges. You can use the Search functions or the "Previous 10" or "Next 10" buttons. To deselect judges, click the blue checkboxes beside the options on the right. Click the blue Done button once finished.
Once you have selected your Case Judge(s) they should appear to the right of the blue Select button.
Case Location
You can search for cases being overseen by a specific Case Location or Case Locations. Click the blue Select button...
...then click the checkboxes on the left to select your Case Location or Case Locations. You can use the Search functions or the "Previous 10" or "Next 10" buttons. To deselect judges, click the blue checkboxes beside the options on the right. Click the blue Done button once finished.
Once you have selected your Case Location(s) they should appear to the right of the blue Select button.
Case Number
You can search for specific cases by Case Number. Simply enter the Case Number in the appropriate input field, then click the blue Search button.
Case Status
You can search for cases by specific Case Statuses, like "Active", "Acquitted", "Appealed", "Case Closed", "Default Judgment", and so on. Click the blue Select button...
...then click the checkboxes on the left to select your Case Status or Case Statuses. You can use the Search functions or the "Previous 10" or "Next 10" buttons. To deselect judges, click the blue checkboxes beside the options on the right. Click the blue Done button once finished.
Once you have selected your Case Status(es) they should appear to the right of the blue Select button.
Case Type
You can search for cases by specific Case Type or Case Types. Click the blue Select button...
...then click the checkboxes on the left to select your Case Type or Types. You can use the Search functions or the "Previous 10" or "Next 10" buttons. To deselect judges, click the blue checkboxes beside the options on the right. Click the blue Done button once finished.
Once you have selected your Case Type(s) they should appear to the right of the blue Select button.
Hearing Date (Hearing Search Only)
You can search for cases by Hearing Date by selecting a range of dates to search by.
Hearing Type (Hearing Search Only)
You can search for cases by specific Hearing Type or Hearing Types. Click the blue Select button...
...then click the checkboxes on the left to select your Hearing Type or Types. You can use the Search functions or the "Previous 10" or "Next 10" buttons. To deselect judges, click the blue checkboxes beside the options on the right. Click the blue Done button once finished.
Once you have selected your Hearing Type(s) they should appear to the right of the blue Select button.
You can search for cases by a specific Party or Parties. Type in their First Name and/or Last Name, select their Date of Birth, or type in their Driver License Number and/or Nickname/Alias to search for this Party in various cases.